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Perspective on Reptilian and Other "Malevolent ET Races" - Discrimination is Still Discrimination

Back in 2021, I wrote about how even though, yes, there are, indeed Negative ETs such as many Reptilians among other ET races, that doesn't mean all Reptilians are "Negative." The purpose of why I wrote this was to shed light on the fact that Discrimination is still Discrimination. Do I recommend opening yourself up more to Benevolent Reptilians? Well, it could be tricky if you don't have the neccesary disciplines. You could easily be thinking that you're attracting a Benevolent Being when, in fact, you're simply not. So I want to make that clear. I'm not encouraging this.

What I am saying, however, is that it's still wrong to bash an entire civilization just because a large number of their race participates in horrific crimes. This is no different than Human Discrimination. I feel that this is important for people to understand for the purpose of Attaining and Maintaining Higher Levels of Consciousness and Understanding. I wrote this on Lisa Renee's forums before she banned me for having "chaotic energy" and a lack of "self-awareness" (her words) lol. A lot of people on the forums did not like what I had to say about my Perspective on Reptilians and in general other ET Races that are said to be Malevolent. It is what it is. Truth is Truth, though. So this is for those who Value Truth despite how that might make you feel.

Perspective on Reptilian and Other "Malevolent ET Races" - Discrimination is Still Discrimination:

Ok so I get really deep so bear with me here lol. We all know that Reptilians have been here on planet Earth for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years right? From what I've come to understand, Reptilians were here before us humans, right? Now although I don't believe there should ever be an excuse to harm another living being (my belief) unless for the purpose of self-defense (and even then I feel that there can always be some way we can think of to non-violently protect ourselves and etc if we really master our minds and connection to spirit), I do believe in putting ourselves in other people's shoes and I very much value understanding from another person/being's perspective. I feel that this is crucial. Understanding is truly key.

I'm about to get so deep but again bear with me. I'm gonna talk about two things here. 1 - I'm gonna talk about Reptilians' belief that WE'RE basically intruding on THEM. and 2 - A lot (not all; a lot of others are genuinely just corrupt, plain and simple) of Reptilians see us as food and livestock almost pretty much the EXACT way that we see chickens and other animals as food and livestock. Let me go a little deeper now. Warning: This may be triggering for some people.

1: This is how I basically think a lot of Reptilians view us and a lot of why they're so pissed off (aside from the just straight up corrupt Reptilians who are profoundly sick and are truly disconnected from spirit/Source etc; no different than corrupt humans): Think about it. Reptilians were minding their own damn business lol living their lives and enjoying themselves. It's in their nature to eat other animals and any being that has fleshy meat - they're reptiles... lol. And out of nowhere, here come us humans. Not only are these Reptilians told that they can't eat us (imagine if ET's finally made disclosure and they told humans "hey guys, so you're not allowed to eat chickens or cows etc because there's a plan for them to ascend to higher dimensions" - most people would be confused, pissed off and simply wouldn't be able to stop eating meat. They've been eating meat their whole lives... And so have their ancestors for thousands of years..), but then on top of all of that, they have to share this planet with us while we get to ascend to heavenly dimensions (the 12th dimension of light) while they're stuck in the place that they're at. You know what I mean? Now they can elevate according to how it's in their DNA to as well, obviously, but I think we should at least be fair and try to understand their point of view. Now again, I'm not justifying their corruption or negative actions against humankind or any other race of beings, but understanding can transcend agony and confusion and turn them into insight and wisdom - insight and wisdom that we may need to go from point a to b in facing these beings who are killing and eating us, you know?

2: As we all know, humans are on the 3rd dimension. Animals are I believe on the 2nd dimension. We basically see animals as lower than us. Let's be real right now. Maybe not in a value sense, but we find that it's acceptable and in many ways a necessity to eat certain animals. Don't you see? Reptilians probably think this EXACT same way about US. Really think about it! lol. Reptilians (and other predatory races not including the truly corrupt; that's another topic) are on higher dimensions than us, the same way that we're on higher dimensions than animals. The same way that we see certain animals as food because they're dimensionally lower than us and provide nutrients and fulfillment for us is the sameee way a lot of Reptilians feel about us. So the fact of the matter is, how truly hurt and upset by Reptilians can we be who eat our babies and kill us, when we do the same exact thing to beings who are at lower dimensions than we are? I know this is gonna be triggering for a lot of people and I'm sorry. But we have to face ourselves in ENTIRETY. We have to look at every dark corner that pervades our being, even the ones that are generational and layered with justifications upon justifications backed by all kinds of science that can tell us why, "you know what? We're not in the wrong." lol. You know what I mean? Again, I know this is gonna be a huge eye-opener for people and may even hurt a lot of people. But the fact of the matter is - when we really recognize that high levels of consciousness and everlasting spiritual growth are the plan for humanity and all beings of God (or whatever/whoever you believe is the creator(s) etc), then how much truly different than Reptilians and other Predatory Races are we? The fact of the matter is, we're simply lower-dimensional versions of them, making excuses, using everything in the books that we can to justify why we shouldn't stop doing the things we're so addicted to and hurting the beings that we're so accustomed to for our own benefits, beliefs and pleasure.

And it's this... It's this right here, which is a lot of what I believe our Guardians and Higher Dimensional Benevolent Beings are trying to get us to understand on some level or another. Or maybe even they haven't thought this deep in how it pertains to this specific matter and they're just doing their best to help us understand higher levels of consciousness and truths to the degree that they understand them. But that shouldn't stop us from recognizing these truths as a whole ourselves and on our own if necessary so that we can set the example for all other races in the universe and be what we were meant to be, you know? We are the Christos Avatars; the ones who were meant to be a source of light to all others. Shouldn't we lead by example? Just a thought; a really, really deep thought lol.

A picture I took in 2020 I think it was. #Transient #Light #TransientLight #ColorSpectrum #Paralell #ParalellLight #AlternateDimension #RainbowLight #RainbowSun #RainbowSunlight #LightStrike

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